Xandari Lodge is a real treasure. It's close by, has beautiful gardens, waterfalls, and a restaurant with a great view of the valley. All last week I wanted to get out, but just couldn't motivate myself to get out of the house. Go figure, I'm in the middle of paradise, going to leave the end of this month, and stay home… Perhaps It's my need to keep looking for a job, I don't know. But today I took off to Xandari for lunch.

Xandari is a husband/wife project, one is the artist and the other the architect, together they have created a beautiful experience of art/nature/architecture all blended together in a unique way. There are some rooms there, and a restaurant as well. They are working towards being totally self sufficient, growing all their food, dealing with all their waste, providing all their own water and power. There is a second project they have created on the Pacific coast someplace too, but smaller in scale.

Must be the off season. For the first two hours I though I was the only person there. Then found a family from France (such red headed kids!) and a couple from the US.

Made it back before the rain.

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