The man burns...again, and again and now again...

It's getting to be that I've been "in country" long enough that I know of things that will be coming up... Kinda feels good. Today was the return of the virgin to Cartago. I wrote about that last year. We went knowing that there would be lots of photo opportunities. This time we walked the entire course taking pics along the way. At the basilica we had coffee at our (ex)"favorite" coffee place in Cartago. Guess they sold the place. All new furniture, new workers, new (slower) service. Oh well, they'll get the hand of it. We'll go back some time. It'll be OK. We walked back to the church to find the procession had begun without us (imagine!). We followed it this time and got a rather interesting perspective. Of the people that would walk along behind picking up remnants of the destroyed street art. Taking it by the bag fulls (home??). Taking the vegetables (to eat??). And behind them the garbage trucks. But the virgin had lots of company. People walking in front of, behind and along side. Singing, reciting parts of the office, just being with their virgin. She stopped at the fire station and was serenaded by a mariachi singer. It's so wonderful to see an entire city come together. To see an entire country come together. They have something really beautiful. I'm honored to be able to share it with them. The virgin is home. The cycle begins again. Burningman ends today. Last night was the big "Burn the Man" night, tonight the temple burns. This year somebody ignited the man early, during the eclipse, so I guess it burnede twice. So much of Costa Rica reminds me of Burningman. Art for the creating of art, not for the preservation of it. Living as social interaction, participation. Nobody just WATCHES these events. You get involved in it, you touch it. People aren't pushed away to protect the virgin or the street art. They touch it. The own it. They "feel" it. They "get it". And it gets destroyed so it will live on.

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