Good Friday Procession

Last year I went to Cartago to view the Good Friday Procession. I was totally blown away and wanted very much to share the experience with Deb this year. However we were told that the processions in Heredia were bigger and were invited to see them with a friend. So we went this year to Heredia. I'm assuming here that the friend that told us the processions in Heredia were the biggest in the country just has never been to Cartago. It wasn't a wasted day at all. Being with friends never is. And in Heredia there were small processions sprouting up every few blocks or so. And it gives me something special to show her next year (if she/we are still here).

From what I have seen in Heredia (as well as last year in Cartago) the processions are as much for kids as for adults. I was surprised, and a little taken aback, by the kids dressed in purple that would be following along with their small crosses. Mimicking the actions of Christ on this gruesome journey. Not at all what I would call "kids play". But Good Friday church hell, all of society in Costa Rica is very much centered on the family. It's a reason for the nuclear families of Costa Rica to from into the larger church family of their neighborhood and retell the stories that give them their play football and to eat shaved ice. At the time in my life when I took religion more "seriously" I would have been offended. Now I see that the real value of religion to the community is being played out here in the best possible way. I guess life really is lived forward and understood backward. Hopefully there's a good reason for this. Seems I could have done so much better in the past if I only had known what I know now. But then I always argue that time is an illusion created by the brain, or quantum physics, depending on how I'm feeling that day. So I guess the whole point is just an illusion too.

(Clearly it's time to stop writing and go to bed...)

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