Trust the French... Two years ago when the FIA was here in San Jose there was a wonderful performance by the French ON the lake in park. For me it was the hight point of the festive. This year the French embassy brought a group of performers...well, dancers... to perform ON the Hotel Costa Rica. Cables were strung along the face of the building and three performers danced up and down the ediface. (If you're reading this and live in San Jose...there will be a repeat performance today (Wed 16Apr) at 6pm (a la Tico).)

I took some video. But was on the wrong side to take good advantage of what little light was there. La Nacion did a better job.

After this performance I went to see a performance of Chinese jugglers. One of the interesting things about living here (or is it just that I've never had cable before?) is the wide variety of TV. There are shows in Spanish, English, German, Japanese, Chinese... The Chinese TV is really interesting. Except for the occasional news show it's all-game show-/-flash in the pan-/-fast acting-entertainment shows. Quite remarkable to watch. Well...that's what this juggler show was about. Not really my cup of tea, not what I expected, having seen it I would have spent my time and money someplace else. Remarkable performances, very authentic Chinese I'm sure, guess I just prefer art to entertainment.

This year China is the "Honored Nation" of the festival. As far as themes go there seem to be two; China and recycling. There is quite a (I'm told) diverse and unorganized Chinese community here in Costa Rica. Haven't seen so many Chinese around normally, but these performances sure bring them out. I've been somewhat expecting, and surprised to NOT find any demonstrations or references made to Tibet at all.

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