You'd think that I would have learned. You'd think that I had spent some time in Costa Rica. You'd think...

The FIA (Festival Internacional del Arte) is once again in San Jose. Starts today, at 10am, in Parque Sebana. OK. Now think...if it starts at 10am what does that mean.

Well...I was there just before 10 so I could see the opening ceremonies. Was just a bit surprised that most of the booths were just then being set up, but not too.

Being the first day there were lots of kids. For me that's what "festival" and "arts" is So it was great. One of Deb's favorite painters down here does these neat paintings of kids swinging. Really flying, there's never anything that the swing is attached to, but we'll say swinging. (Yes, that's one of his on the left.) So they set up a park for the kids with all the toys designed from these paintings.

Across from this park there was a bunch of really finely crafted wood puzzles. All had some sort of brain twister component to them. None were for sale. All were for play. The kids were delighted.

There was an opening performance for the kids. These two crazy acrobats, one from Columbia and the other from Honduras...had the kids is stiches. Of course the show started 45 minutes late.

I wandered around, next to nothig was set up. It was a work in progress. It was noon. I was hungry. Lots of kitchens...being set up. I took off and found a soda, then went home. This festival runs until the 20th. There will be lots to do and see. I'll come back later. Perhaps I'll start realizing that if something BEGINS at 10am that is very, very flexible.

Lots of events in town far I have tickets for the Peking Opera, a group of Chinese acrobats and a Flamenco concert from Spain.

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