Independence Day Central America

Last Sunday was the day of the child in Costa Rica. This past week has been full of activities for the kids. The 15th of September is Independence Day across Central America and all the kids have special celebrations on the 14th. They make models of houses or other things related to family or country and put a candle in them. Not unlike what we do with pumpkins. They are then suspended on a frame and the kids carry them around. Today was all the big parades. Again kids. Marching bands, kids dressed up as camponarios.

I was thinking today as we were downtown watching the parades how in the states Independence Day parades are all full of the military. Here not so...or is it? How many times have I been told that the Costa Rican military is it's kids. That that is where the future of the country is secured. The kids.

Costa Ricans are strongly patriotic. I love seeing that. These people really love their country. To an extent I've never seen in the states. Last night the president spoke in Cartago. There was a concern of anti-TLC protesters interfering with the celebrations. On the TV they were talking about the concern. Something about the "patriotic protesters" and the need to have them participating in the political life of the country...this FROM the government. Humm.......

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