The International Day of Peace was established, on 30 November 1981, by the General Assembly of the United Nations, in resolution 36/67. The Assembly declared that the Day be observed, on the third Tuesday of September every year, as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.

Today is International Day of Peace for 2006. Activities were scheduled at CENAC beginning at 9am. So I went to town with camera in hand to explore. Fifty or so school children were at the center and being led in some activities. There were speakers, doves, dancers, balloons and singing. All activities were designed for children (as so much in this country is) but had several adults participating too.

There's a new mural (cats) under the bridge by parque espania. Had to go see it and take some pics.

Deb and I got a coffee and wandered around town a bit afterward. While we were eating there were all kinds of fire trucks heading into town. Couldn't see any reason, but there were lots of sirens and trucks. We followed one into town, but it just parked in front of a building on walking street. Having a fire truck on walking street was odd, but we couldn't see any sign of fire. Decided it was a drug bust and the fire department was there just in case. We went to the theatre and got some tickets for a ballet on Sunday. Again, the sound of fire trucks. When we left the theater there was smoke all around us. We headed into the smoke to see what was up. I got a few pics, but we still don't know what it was all about. Looked like a parking garage on fire to me, Deb thinks it was an apartment. The fire took out all the traffic lights in town and many of the businesses were without power. Traffic in Costa Rica is interesting at the best of times. In town with no traffic lights at all…and all the police at the fire doing crowd control. Well, you get the picture.

A day that begins in peace, children and balloons ends in smoke and confusion. The yin and the yang I guess.

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